Well that was quite something!
Hard to know where to start to describe what happened last weekend in Manchester because we are all still on such a high from it but that was seriously special and much needed for all of us.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended and to the incredible array of musicians and performers that made it what it was. The atmosphere was unbelievable, so much love in the air! The line up was stacked from start to finish and the lengths some of the bands and crowd went to just to get in to the city is humbling! Fuck you covid and fuck you Boris! For everyone who stepped in at short notice to take problems away, we are indebted to you!
Thank you to the amazing engineers, crew and venue staff who worked tirelessly to deliver what we asked for. They run themselves in to the ground to make us look more professional than we are. Our stage managers were top tier, our volunteers were on hand whenever we needed them and we can’t thank you all enough for being a part of it!
Thank you to Mark, Julian, Shelley, Emma, Andy (dirty Leeds), Jugs and anyone else who captured the weekend for us!
Huge thanks to Red for always delivering a great comedy stage and to Henry for making the poetry line up such a good part of MPF. You guys rule!
Extra special thanks to the following people. Kaz, Big Hands, Sarah, Jo, Millie, Tim, Ste and Freddy for multiple different reasons you propped this event up and we love you for it!
Signature Brew lubed us up all weekend. Show them some support if you can afford it by ordering more of their delicious poison HERE.
We’d like to hear your feedback. We want to make the event better. Nothing is ever perfect. Let us know if you think we are missing anything. Random name will be drawn to win 2 tickets for next year so fill the form in! Yes, we will email Slayer’s agent. Complete the feedback FORM HERE.
For Mark and Calvin x
Same again next year? Sure. 7-9 April 2023 Get your tickets HERE.